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A helpful reminder ... of things to concentrate on when about to take your practical driving test



SIGNALS – TIMING When approaching a junction or roundabout the time to signal would be on approach to the destination road sign, or the warning triangle road sign Feel free to get in touch via this website form or alternatively you can email me directly at:...

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SIGNALS – MOVING OFF AND STOPPING When pulling up at the side of the road, moving away from the side of the road, or passing obstructions, you only need to signal if another road user will benefit from your signal. But, on the approach to junctions and roundabouts,...

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SIGNALS – OBSTRUCTIONS Signal to Pass obstructions don't cancel signal if someone comes towards you. Like in a crowded room where you say excuse me to someone, still stands if someone approaches and you can't pass yet. Feel free to get in touch via this website form...

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SPEED When driving along a long straight road, don't relax too much or get complacent. Keep watching ahead for potential hazards. But also there are there things you need to keep an eye on: MIRRORS SPEED ROAD POSITION Keep constantly monitoring these three elements....

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SPEED – CHECK YOUR MIRRORS When checking your speedometer, also check your mirrors, whether you are reducing or increasing speed. You need to make sure that the following driver is aware that you are now changing your speed, and for you to act accordingly. Feel free...

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STALLING If you stall the engine DON'T concentrate on looking in the rear view mirror at the driver behind you, trying to gauge whether they're upset, angry or annoyed with you. Because while you are concentrating on, and evaluating their reaction to your stall,...

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STEERING – CONTROL When driving keep BOTH hand on the wheel unless you're operating a control. The reason is that you may hit a drain or pothole, or you may be hit by another vehicle, so you need to be able to do your best to control where your vehicle is going to end...

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STOPPING – SAFE AND CONVENIENT? When looking for a safe place to pull up and stop at the side of the road. Look for the 'Best' and 'Worse' place to stop, you will almost always find that you have choices. When you are intending to pull up and stop you should always...

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