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A helpful reminder ... of things to concentrate on when about to take your practical driving test


Do you feel confident that you know when you should or shouldn’t be moving out of a road when you’re in the car? Safety for yourself and other drivers should always be your main concern when you’re behind the wheel of a vehicle.

When driving, if you are in doubt whether to proceed or not then DON’T!

You should never end up causing another driver to slam on their breaks when you move out, nor should you ever need to accelerate too much to get out of the way of another car. If you’re unsure whether you have enough time to be safely moving out in front of another car, it’s better to play it safe and wait a little bit longer for a gap where you feel certain that you can pull out without any issues.

It’s always recommended that you make sure you leave yourself plenty of time when you’re setting off for a journey. This way you are less likely to feel tempted to take unnecessary risks when driving. If you are running late – just think, it’s always better to be a couple of minutes late somewhere than risk causing an accident and hurting yourself or others (which would make you much later to your destination anyway!).

Just remember; at a road junction or a roundabout ‘If in doubt, DON’T pull out’.

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