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A helpful reminder ... of things to concentrate on when about to take your practical driving test


When changing lanes, after checking your mirrors to ensure that other road users are aware and are allowing you to enter the lane, keep you signal of your intention to change lanes ON until you have COMPLETED the lane change.

If you cancel the signal halfway through the lane change it could give other road users the impression that you have changed your mind and that you are not going to change to the other lane after all. Because, if you had changed your mind you may well cancel your signal and abandon the manoeuvre and return back into your original lane.

If you were turning into a side road, you wouldn’t cancel your signal just before, or as you turned into the side road would you? No, because you want to make sure that everyone around you is in no doubt of what you are doing.

So get ALL 4 WHEELS into your lane BEFORE you cancel the signal.

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