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A helpful reminder ... of things to concentrate on when about to take your practical driving test


When needing to change from the left lane to the right lane you need to make it very obvious what your intention is.

Firstly, signal to the right. Your signal is not what you are going to do, but you would like to do!

Your right turn signal does not give you any Right to change lanes irrespective of the traffic approaching from behind you already in the right hand lane. Your right turn signal is informing other road users of your desire to change to the right hand lane.

Next, position your car to the right of your lane next to the right and lane if it is safe to do so. This acts as ‘car language’, much like ‘body language’, but by using your car to make your intended actions clear.

When you position your car to the right of your lane and next to the right hand lane you are in effect informing those approaching from behind you in the right hand lane that you are actually ready NOW to make the lane change depending on their willingness to allow you complete your lane change.

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