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A helpful reminder ... of things to concentrate on when about to take your practical driving test


From 1st September 2003, ‘Tell Me, Show Me’ questions became part of the practical driving test. You will be asked a question on basic car maintenance and to explain to the Examiner how you would check. Details of these questions accompany this letter. I will go through these questions with you, and show you the various components in the engine compartment, and how to raise the bonnet.

On the 4th October 2010, a new element to the Practical Driving Test was introduced entitled ‘Independent Driving’. At some point on your practical driving test you will be asked to drive independently for approximately 10 minutes, by following a sequence of road signs, or from a set of diagrams. Because of this element, you will now only be required to perform ONE manoeuvre instead of two.

* Car tests involve around 40 minutes driving.

* Car test routes include higher speed dual and single carriageway roads.

* The reverse bay parking manoeuvre will only take place off road at the test centre.

* Tell Me, Show Me ÔÇô You may be asked to open the bonnet and identify how you would check various fluid levels, power steering, lights, tyre conditions etc. (details attached)

* The Emergency Stop exercise will be carried out only in 1 of 3 tests.

* From 4th October 2010 you will be required to do around 10 minutes of independent driving. Read more here:

* Candidates are allowed up to a maximum of 15 driving faults (minor mistakes).

* One Serious or Dangerous driving fault will continue to result in failure.

* From 8th June 2015 you are only required to produce your photocard driving licence.


Examiners will give candidates guidance notes to explain more fully the report form issued at the end of the driving test. Your Driving Instructor will be permitted to accompany you on your driving test. Your examiner will ask you if you would like your driving instructor to accompany you. Your driving instructor will not be able to say anything or able to help you whilst you are on your driving test. You have the choice whether you would want your instructor in the car with you or not. But if your instructor doesn’t accompany you they will able to listen to this de-brief if you agree, to further assist you with future driving advice.

Since 6th April 1999 all cars used for the Practical Test has to have:

* A seat belt and head restraint for the front passenger seat for use by the Examiner.

* A rear view mirror for use by the Examiner from the front passenger seat

This is in addition to the normal requirements that the vehicle must be roadworthy, suitable for the driving test and insured specifically for the driving test.

The driving test is intended to ensure that you can drive safely, by demonstrating that you are safe to yourself, you are safe to other roadusers and that you have the vehicle under your control. As long as you are properly prepared you should not find it difficult. It is recommended that you discuss your progress with your Driving Instructor for advice about training and practice needed to reach the required standard.

Fee payable to the DVSA for the Practical Driving Test: £62.00 (£75.00 on Saturdays)

NB: When you receive your Driving Test appointment, as soon as possible, could you please give it to your Driving Instructor for safe keeping and to verify time, date and driving test centre.

From 9th August 2004 ÔÇô Automatic Driving Licence Renewal

This applies to anyone who applies for a provisional driving licence from this date, and successfully passes their driving test. At the end of the driving test the Examiner will retain your provisional driving licence. You will automatically be sent your new Full

driving licence directly from the DVLC. You are still entitled to drive as a Full licence holder from the moment you have passed and signed the Examiners form.

Be very wary of booking your Theory or Practical driving test by doing an online search. There are many websites that will come up ranking higher than the official DSA website (UK.GOV). These sites have a form very similar to the official website, but charge you between £20-£30 EXTRA on top of the official fee to book your test. Please go to the official DVSA Government website: This way you will only pay the correct fee. Enter your driving instructors ADI Reference number when booking.

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